Visited 27th August 2010.
Some friends of ours from Newbury who we have not seen for about a year now have invited us out for a meal. They know we like the 'spoons and have planned a visit to 'The Diamond Tap', which until recently was a Chicago's. When we arrived we could see that the place was already busy, luckily we had a reserved upstairs table. First impressions were that it was loud and that it had that still very new air about it. Also great chandeliers. We went upstairs where it was a little less busy and with a lot more people eating. It somehow didn't feel like a beer and burger evening so the guys opted large mixed grills with the ladies going for the BBQ chicken melts. The food arrived quickly and with only one mistake, chips instead of a baked potato with one of the chicken meals. About 9pm the already loud music was cranked up several notches (possibly to number 11) making it impossible to talk or even shout although the vibrations coming up through the floor and chairs gave a very pleasant feeling. We had a coffee but missed out on getting the card stamped as the stamp and pens were all downstairs. "Just show your receipt", we were told but it was way to busy to do that. We left shortly after that, passing a full dance floor and most surprisingly an entrance where people were paying to get in. This was a new one on me, I've not come across a 'spoons that required you to pay to get into, even if it is "only" £2 after 10pm. I was so taken aback I forgot to ask if it was only on a Friday. All in all a nice pub if you fancy a boogie* but not quite so good if you fancy a chat with somebody you haven't seen for a year.
*I was up for a bit of dancing but because of my super power - the ability to clear a dance floor in a matter of seconds - Mrs. S is always reluctant to let me let loose when I'm with her.
© John Sinner. None of the material contained in this post, or this blog as a whole, may be reproduced without the express and written permission of John Sinner. All rights reserved.