The Knights Templar - Bristol

Visited 1st April 2012.
I was starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms from not having visited any Wetherspoon pubs during March. This definitely needed to be rectified so a day trip to Bristol was planned. The plan was to allow the girls to do a bit of shopping, visit a few pubs and also take a look at Clifton Suspension Bridge. As it turned out Biggles couldn't make the trip so it was just me, Mrs S. and Stiggy. We were up early and made good time in getting to Bristol but, as usual in the big cities parking turned out to be a bit of a problem. Anyway to cut a long story short we found a car park near to The Square but then couldn't get the 'Pay by Phone' service to work and as it was the only way to pay gave up and went in to Bristol City centre where I refused to pay £20 to park and ended up driving to Temple Meads railway station where we managed to find a pay machine that not only took coins but also worked. I was able to enter an almost zen like state to these frustrations but unfortunately the girls couldn't and tempers seemed to be getting a little frayed. The ladies abandoned me and went in search of the pub, leaving me to complete the parking process... By the time I caught up with them Mrs S. had ordered three breakfasts and three small lattes and they seemed a little more chilled. The pub itself was modern, bright and surprisingly busy given its location. The breakfasts were fine and we left the pub in much better spirits ready to tackle the rest of Bristol.
John Sinner. None of the material
contained in this post, or this blog as
a whole, may be reproduced without the express
and written permission of John Sinner. All
rights reserved.
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