Basically this is a diary of the various Wetherspoon and Lloyds bars I visit and any adventures on the way, with maybe a few words about life as we know it thrown in for good measure.
The next pub on my marathon weekend wasThe Plaza, a large pub spread over three levels and unlike the previous pub I was able to park right outside. For twenty minutes at least! It wasn't very busy and I was served my Apple and Mango J2o very quickly, which was just as well as I didn't have long to visit. I quite liked this pub and would have liked to stay longer and if I had originally known there was a Euro car park around the back I might have. On the other hand I do have a lot of pubs on my list to visit this weekend.
I was in a bit of a rush when I came to visit The Rupert Brooke. I had parked outside the town centre and only had an hour before I had to move on. Having already visit one pub I didn't have a lot of time left and was then slowed down even more by having to ask the way and then taking a wrong turning after not listening properly. I finally arrived at the pub and was presented with a neat and tidy building that although it was a bit barn like still managed to generate its own character. I ordered an orange and passionfruit J2o and as is usual when only ordering a drink was not given a receipt. What was unusual though was that when I asked for one was told rather abruptly that there was no till roll so I couldn't have one! I quickly drank up and left and walked back to the car arriving with a couple of minutes to spare. Now, to the next pub.
I managed to park on one of the streets on the outskirts of Rugby hoping that I would have enough time to walk into town and find and walk to both of the 'spoons that I knew were somewhere nearby. I found the first fairly quickly and entered into a dark, noisy pub that was pretty busy to the point where I found myself sharing a table with a man who refused to look over his newspaper. Maybe I had scared him by ordering an apple and raspberry J2o, everyone else appeared to have a pint of beer in their hand. Despite it being as busy as it was the highly efficient bar staff managed to serve me very rapidly. They were equally as quick at clearing and cleaning the tables. With the J2o drunk it was time to move on, I only had an hours parking.
This is turning out to be a busy December. I'm on my own this time as Mrs S. is staying at home to do a little Christmas wrapping. As is usual with these matters they tend to go more smoothly if I'm not involved so I am doing my bit to help by getting out of the way and how better to get out of the way than by visiting a few Wetherspoon pubs. My plan is to head in the general direction of Wolverhampton and pop into a few pubs on the way. No special reason for picking Wolverhampton, it's just there. I'd had an early start and was getting a bit hungry so the first order of the day was to get some breakfast. I made good time getting the first pub on my rough list but then lost a bit of time trying to park in the small (but full) car park. I ended up parking in the road opposite, up the hill slightly, not to far to walk, but I was hungry. Inside it seemed to be a bit of the maze and I seemed to keep finding small rooms full of people, but not to many that I wasn't able to find a table. The barmaid was very good at keeping track of who had been waiting longest and took my order of a traditional breakfast with a large latte with a friendly chat and smile. The coffee was very hot, just the way I like it and set me up nicely for the day ahead.
We did a little holiday shopping and then went looking for The Cribbar. We missed it first time as it looks a little bit different from a lot of the other Wetherspoon pubs, a theme that is carried on inside. It was easily the most interesting pub of our three day visit and quite unusual from any of the other 'spoons we have visited. Very summery with its surfer theme and quite at odds with the Christmas tunes being played. It was very quiet and we had no problem finding somewhere for us to sit, me with my half of Doombar (rapidly becoming one of my favourite beers) and Mrs S. once again with her large tea. We chilled out for a while and then as it was to be our last pub of the day before heading home we went to "spend a penny". And the pub held another surprise - I think it's worth a visit just to check out the men's toilets and I was told by Mrs S. that the ladies loos were equally unusual. We had an uneventful trip home, which after a long weekend is always welcome and as usual on these trips we both disagreed on the pub of the weekend. Not that it matters but my favourite was The Green Parrot at Perranporth, Mrs S' was The John Francis Basset in Camborne but The Cribbar should definitely be on your list of 'spoons to visit.
From Perranporth we drove up to Newquay where we planned to visit our last two pubs of the day. We parked in a convenient superstore car park, did a little shopping and then took the short walk to the first of the two pubs. It was quiet and we had no issue finding somewhere to sit where I could drink my Apple and Raspberry J2o and Mrs S. her Orange and Passion fruit J2o. We didn't stay long as we wanted to walk into the town centre and take a look around before popping in to our final pub of the day.
The Green Parrot turned out to be another pub that is deceptively larger inside than it appears from the outside. There is a large car park attached which turned out to be free to use at this time of the year. It was quiet when we arrived but even so we went upstairs with our drinks, a half pint of San Diego Session IPA for me and a large tea for Mrs S. It was so quiet upstairs that we were the only customers up there. Following our drink we went for a walk on the nearby beach, which even though it was cold was busier than the pub. Something that I'll bet is very different in the summer.
Another day and another Wetherspoons. It was early and the weather had turned a bit damp so we had no problems parking and no problem finding the pub, it was huge and very imposing looking. As it turned out when you went in it was still large but somehow also managed to feel comfortable and welcoming. I went to the bar to order breakfast but was told that there was a limited menu as the canopy was not working. As it turned out this did not affect me having eggs Benedict and a large latte, nor did it affect Mrs S. and here Cornish cream tea and large latte. It was very quiet, but then it was early on a Sunday morning. We liked this pub and the quality of its furnishings. Next stop, Perranporth.
Determined. If it involves a beer. This has led me to commit myself to a "Quest" to visit and have at least one drink or meal in each Wetherspoons pub in the UK. I have set myself no time limit, in fact I have not set myself any rules other than the most basic.
Never drink before noon,
(it's always after noon somewhere), when in doubt turn left and never run with scissors.