Basically this is a diary of the various Wetherspoon and Lloyds bars I visit and any adventures on the way, with maybe a few words about life as we know it thrown in for good measure.
Mr and Mrs Sinner were lucky enough to get two tickets for the pre-opening training session at the The Bear which officially opens tomorrow. What can I say? We had a great time (free food and beer - what's not to like). I had several long chats with various people about what renovations had been done on this listed building and how much had been spent. What was still to be done and learnt that The Bear was the 750th Wetherspoon to be opened. It looked good inside and the new staff did a very good job cooking and serving the food. Special thanks to Kelly (Kellie?) the barmaid with her great cheery smile. We'll be going back to this one to see if they manage to keep up the very high standard they set themselves.
An easy walk from The Moon in the Square takes us to The Mary Shelley, a large pub where we sit and plan our next move. We actually remember to get our coffee card stamped this time. The pub is nice and the toilets are very nice. (Whenever we go anywhere our children always have a burning desire to check out the toilets and this has kind of rubbed off onto us). Plans are formulated and we exit the pub where we meet a guy who cannot resist a few quips regarding our hats and the high visibility they provide. We wander through the lantern lit gardens to the beach where it turns out to be dark and cold (but at least it's not raining) and the paddle that had seemed a good idea in the pub was quickly put on the back-burner for another (warmer) day. We have enjoyed our day in Bournemouth but all good things etc and now it's time to go home. We know we haven't been to all of the Wetherspoon pubs in the area so we will be returning in the summer... and we'll definitely be having that paddle!
It's back to the car and a short drive down the hill to the seafront. We find an expensive car park and start to search on foot for our next target. The first thing we find is a much cheaper car park! Still, we know we're in the right area but we must find it quickly as the girls want pudding! Whoops, they get side tracked by the shops. I put it to them that it really was time we to the pub for some toffee pudding while forgetting to mention that England had been playing Italy for some time now. Eventually we made it and I was able to sit with my pint of of Silent Slasher and see the last few minutes of the game, which we won, Hurrah! The pub itself was warm and busy and the girl who served us was very pleasant. But we can't sit around enjoying ourselves, the shops don't shop themselves and we still have one more pub to visit.
This one has only been open about seven months and it still felt all new and shiny and in the case of The Christopher Creeke that's not a bad thing. By now we were all feeling a little peckish so ordered some food with myself going for the gourmet burger. After my recent burger with BBQ sauce I thought I would give it a go again. With no fuss the food arrived and was swiftly devoured. We liked the pub and felt quite settled so it was with a little reluctance (especially on my part as I was ready for a nap) that we left. Time was passing quickly and apparently the shops would be closing soon!
It's Valentines Day and we feel that to properly celebrate the occasion we should go visit somewhere and wear pink! We settle on Bournemouth as our goal and set off nice and early. It's cold and raining but we decide not to let that dampen our spirits. Boscombe is just around the corner from Bournemouth so we decide to make a little detour and go meet Sir Percy Florence Shelley. It's just a little to early for lunch so (unusually) the four of us opt for coffee and somehow manage to forget to get our loyalty card stamped. It's pretty busy and we have a lot to do today so we don't stay long. Next stop Bournemouth.
Work has sent me back up North today, which gives me the opportunity to stop off in Northampton on the way back. I persuade my colleague that we should stop somewhere and have some lunch before we enter the hell that is the English motorway network. He agrees and 'pure chance' ensures that we end up at a 'spoons. The pub is situated opposite a market which is in full swing thus when we enter the pub we find that it is very busy and there is a certain amount of waiting around to get served. I do a quick 'reccy' of the pub, checking out the upstairs dining area but only manage to find one spare table which we quickly sit at. We both opt for the gourmet burgers but are told there is no cheese sauce and would we like BBQ instead. Yes! Whilst sipping my pint of Sporran Warmer a waitress appears - disaster, they have no buns, would we like the burger served in ciabatta bread instead. Yes! Well, it worked for us. Suitably refreshed we now felt we could tackle anything, including what turned out to be a three hour (instead of one and three quarter hour) drive home.
Our final Wetherspoon of the day was The Hope Tap, no trouble finding this one, it was in the same road as the last. As we ate at the last pub we opted for just a coffee at this one. As it turned out this was perhaps a bit of a mistake. Mrs S. was being served at the bar so I nipped off to the loo. She was still being served when I returned. To fully appreciate that last statement you need to realise that it is a long pub and the stairs leading to the loos are at the far end of the pub. The stairs are long and the loos are at the top of the stairs at the front of the pub (so it's best not to leave a trip to 'spend a penny' till the last second). At any rate, I was back before the coffee was ready. Which as it turned out wasn't worth the wait. Maybe it was the barman's first day on the job? Despite this minor wobble, we had both had a good afternoon, beer and food, what's not to like?
Continuing our visit to Reading we take a walk to The Monks' Retreat. Tricky taking photos as they have the awing down which means you cannot see me outside the pub, just a side view. By now we are hungry so we get inside quickly, past the small bar and head towards the rear of the pub, up a few stairs and sit down in one of the many side booths near to a larger second bar. Mrs S. opts for a BBQ chicken melt with myself going for a mixed grill and a pint of Hullabaloo. Now an odd thing happened. Back at Christmas time I received a fair few Wetherspoon vouchers which I have been using without any problems but they seemed to be a completely unknown quantity to The Monk. "Well they look OK", "Have you ever seen these before" and "How do these go through the till" were just a few of the comments. The manager was sent for who immediately pointed out the £5 and £2 voucher buttons... Wow, confusion over. Perhaps a little more training required. The staff were very good when it came to the food service, they were attentive without being annoying and cleared the table quickly. All in all we enjoyed our visit. And now onto the next...
Mrs S. once again needs to go shopping and apparently whatever it is she needs can only be purchased in Reading??? Still, I'm not complaining as there are three Wetherspoon pubs there that need sampling. The shopping is quickly dispensed with and after a short walk we are in The Back of Beyond. A narrow front gives way to a dark and deceptively long pub. We know we cannot stay to long as we have another two pubs to visit and only a short afternoon to do it. But it would be breaking my rules not to at least have drink so I go for a pint of Side Pocket with Mrs S. continuing her acclimatisation to beer with a half of Dark Hare. Ultimately she decides this is a mistake and (I'm still not sure how it happened) I end up with the half and she ends up with my pint! Moving on...
Once again the urge to get out of the house has overwhelmed us. Plus Mrs S. feels the need to assist our ailing economy with a little retail therapy. The town blessed with the contents of Mrs Sinners purse is Hayes which, coincidentally, has a Wetherspoon pub. It's not very busy and we have no problem finding somewhere to sit. Today we have decided to have something a little different so I opt for a beef roast with Mrs S. going for a chicken pasta dish. Mrs S. has also started to get on board with the whole 'beer' thing and I am charged with selecting a brew for her. I play it safe and get us different beers so if I get it wrong we can swap. The pub is quite large and Mrs S. has selected a table in a raised area almost as far from the bar as possible but through some acoustic magic has managed to hear my entire conversation with the barmaid. Note to self - stop flirting with bar staff if Mrs S. is in the same town! Still, not a bad way to spend an afternoon.
Determined. If it involves a beer. This has led me to commit myself to a "Quest" to visit and have at least one drink or meal in each Wetherspoons pub in the UK. I have set myself no time limit, in fact I have not set myself any rules other than the most basic.
Never drink before noon,
(it's always after noon somewhere), when in doubt turn left and never run with scissors.